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Skin Scan

What is a Skin Scan?

A comprehensive skin analysis is your first step to achieving glowing, healthier skin for life. Our Skin Scan uses multi-spectral imaging technology to revel damage and signs of ageing both on and beneath the surface. 

The benefit of having a professional skin scan prior to commencing cosmetic treatments is that it gives you personalised skincare advice and recommendations to solve your skin concerns and goals. This sophisticated technology helps us to provide you with tailored skin care solutions to improve the quality and health of your skin.

What can I Expect?

The skin scan is a quick and comfortable process that entails taking photos with different light and filter settings. These settings are designed to highlight skin changes predominantly associated with sun damage or skin sensitivity from inflammatory skin conditions. This is a diagnostic tool used alongside our questionnaires and our therapists assessment. It provides a baseline picture before therapeutic intervention so that we can map your progress together. 

Common Skin Issues

Pigmentation, broken capillaries, rosacea, sun damage, wrinkles, poor elasticity, scarring, acne, white head (milia) and blackhead removal, enlarged pores and skin congestion, acne scarring, skin sagging, fine lines and wrinkles. 

How much does a Skin Scan cost?

Skin Scan Price
Skin Scan $99
Skin Scan followed by introductory facial $129

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